Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday Wisdom

SO let me start, I NEVER do anything just for me. When I move, there's always another person in mind. When I take jobs or do classes, always thinking about others. That being said, I've never been truly dedicated to anything I really love (music and playing with kids).
I auditioned for the glee project this week. I know at the moment, more than likely, this won't be my big break. And heck, I may not be meant for show biz. But my friends and family have been so supportive and I've gotten more responses than I thought possible! (Probably because I thought I'd get none!)
Lesson learned: Always believe in what you love! If you love to sing, don't let anything stop you. If you love to skate, skate like there's no tomorrow. We are the next generation. We need to be great at what we do. Passion is everything; I don't always love work, but I do my best by using that same passion I have in music in my work.

Strength and Passion are the beauty of life :D

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We are blessed

Hi ya'all. It's getting that time of year. Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I grew up being taught to give. In the christmas season, there's Operation Christmas Child. OCC is a program where you pack a shoe box to a child's needs and it's sent to a child in third world countries.
One thing I've learned is you never know how affective these things are until you're one of these kids. I had a less fortunate Christmas as a teen. The genorosity of others makes the holiday season a larger than life feel.
I went and got box stuff from dollar areas of a store. It's not a huge loss of your money. If you read this, please consider donating.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Morsels

This blog is my online diary. Officially. I have an opinion to say, so I'm vocalizing it.
Mitchell Musso was arrested for a DUI. ( )
First: I AM against drinking and driving. I believe it is one of the stupidest decisions one could make. If your adult enough to make the decision to drink, your adult enough to be responsible about it.
Second: In no way am I defending Mitchell Musso.
That being said... I'm upset that this makes headlines. I can almost guarantee in the past week, there's been at least 3 non-fatal DUI arrests. And why don't these make headlines? They are just as guilty as Mitchell.
It's because he's a star. And not just any celeb, a disney one!
Yes he was stupid, but it was Non-fatal. He didn't even get in an accident. He made a very poor choice, but because he's a celeb, he's probably getting slammed by agents, coworkers and boss about product image.

GRRR I just... BLAH! I'm done ranting.
Hope your Monday was fabulously Maniac!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

My daily thoughts

So, to start this post, I have to admit something; I've been dreading being single lately. Actually, more like just completely hating it. I'm not sure why its been so bad, but it had been.
That being said, I had a change of heart yesterday. It started when a friend of mine gave me AMAZING advice. Full on, heartfelt, advice (thanks JS!). Then I had a person I truly care for tell me something that made me go crazy. I was jealous, protective, angry, you name it, I was that emotion. Then I realized, thats exactly what they wanted when they told me. The news was put on me randomly, to see how I'd react. Why would someone who cares about me do that?
And then it hit me:
And somehow, that made me feel better.
In the case of yesterday, Adele's 'Someone like you' played in the background of my thoughts. Because it was so relevant.
I think it's time I took a good look at myself and stop letting my emotions over-control my life.
Today's closing thoughts:

'Nevermind, I'll find someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you.'

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Hi ya'all! I've decided to blog. This blog should be interesting. I may post anything from poems to rants (although sometimes they're the same haha).
So why blog? Why name is CasSocial?
Well, easy answers. Why blog? I want to write and update people without posting a million status' on Facebook or Twitter.
Why CasSocial? One of my nicknames is Cass, and I'm social, and socializing through this blog.
Hope you enjoy :)